The problem articulated in Cohen, et al. (2022) "Advanced Artificial Agents Intervene in the Provision of Reward" necessitates certain regulation of AI.​ What follows are documents that trace through from problem to possible solution.
Cohen, M. K., Hutter, M., & Osborne, M. A. (2022). Advanced Artificial Agents Intervene in the Provision of Reward. AI Magazine. In decreasing order of technicality:
News article (one of many; this is another)​​​​​
Submission of evidence to the House of Commons Science and Technology Select Committee inquiry on the Governance of Artificial Intelligence
Oral evidence for the opening session of that inquiry (25 January 2023)
Cohen, M. K., Kolt, N., Bengio, Y., Hadfield, G. K., & Russell, S. (2024) Regulating Advanced Artificial Agents. Science.​
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